August 16, 2010

In Praise of Books

Today the children responded with open delight
as I read them a story
which was written over one hundred fifty years ago
and half a world away.
A story which was read to me when I was their age,
every night upon demand.

And now it is their turn, Father,
to receive this story in joy,
and claim it for their own.

What a marvel language is,
that it can freeze an author's thoughts and emotions,
and preserve them,
until they melt into the mind and heart
of the reader.

What a wonder words are,
that they can transcend space and time,
class and race,
uniting your sons and daughters
in literary fellowship.

Father, thank you for books.
Thank you for children.
And thank you for the delightful privilege
of bringing the two together.

Bringing books and children together....

This was a delightful day in April when we had the privilege of bringing the two together.

The poem is from a wonderful little book called Chalkdust...Prayer Meditations for Teachers by Elspeth Campbell Murphy.

The books the children are reading are from CTP's new Fun and Fantasy series from the Learn to Read collection.  To find out more about the books go to and search for Learn to Read.  You can choose from hundreds of books.

The children are from the Pre-K class at Premier Academy in Keller, Texas. Thanks for sharing your class with us.

But, the sentiment is all mine.....

It is a joy and privilege to bring together children and books.

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