January 16, 2011

Celebrate February

I know I have said it before but......
Making Memories Month by Month is one of my favorite books published by Creative Teaching Press.  The book includes projects for each month of the year. When the children complete the projects for the month the teacher compiles the projects to make a scrapbook for each child.

A scrapbook full of art projects that a child made during the school year is a perfect end of the year gift for the parents. Add a child’s writing samples, math activities, photographs, and projects, and that same memory book becomes a colorful portfolio of the child’s work.

Here is one of the pages for February.  Notice the heart made from the child's hands.  Each month there is at least one project made with the child's hands or feet which makes the book even more special. 

I love the penguin with a heart.  The poem says.....
                                                                                          I had a little penguin
                                     So jolly, fat, and fine.
                                     I pinned a heart
                                     Upon his chest
                                     And named him Valentine!
The pattern for the penguin is in the book plus much more.

For other Valentine ideas check out my post from September 1 called Embellishments of the Heart.

I made a hundred valentines
A hundred did I say?
I made a thousand valentines
One cold and wintery day.

I didn't put my name
On them or any other word.
The valentines were seeds you see,
For February birds!

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