February 17, 2011

Valentine Sweets

One of the nice things about working for CTP is that I always have cute stuff to do kindergarten projects.  So when Kate came home and said she had to decorate a box for her valentines, I was all over it!  I have hearts of very color and size.  First, we covered the box.  Then, I put glue dots on the back of the hearts and she stuck them on her box. 

When it was all done she took the box to school.  That afternoon I asked her if hers was the cutest box.  (I am all about competition!) She said, "Well it definitely had the most hearts!" 

Remember my saying...less is less!  More is more!


So, this is Kate's decorated cereal box. 
I think there are exactly the right number of hearts.

The party was a little "over the top" too. 
 Mrs.  Hill knows that more is more!

The CTP 10" designer cut outs made perfect place mats for an elegant party.  Water served over crushed ice from Sonic  in the tall glasses makes a delicious nectur.

Several dainty sweets were served. 

Each couple was introduced as they entered the room.  They were addressed as Master or Princess.

(I talked to several of the kids from the upper classes later that day.  They could all remember the name of their partner at the kindergarten dance. )

Of course, everyone used their best manners at the elegant party.

So what do you do when you have given the children a ton of sugar??? 
You have a dance and let them work it off!!


The Chicken Dance

Girls Just Want to Be Girls!

The Tango!!
What were the parents doing during this elegant party? 
Taking pictures, of course!

Memories are made of this........

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