March 16, 2011

Legoland Discovery Center Comes to the Neighborhood

In my last entry I introduced you to Mayor Tate.  One of his most important jobs as mayor of Grapevine is bringing new businesses to our city. 
Well, he has out-done himself this time. 
Our newest neighbor is Legoland Discovery Center. 
We are so excited! 
There are five Lego Discovery Centers in the world, but only two in the US. 
One is in Chicago and now one is in Grapevine, Texas. 
There is also Legoland Amusement Park in San Diego. 

Since we wanted to be good neighbors we invited two guys
from Legoland to come to our class to see the Lego neighborhood
that we had made. 

 Craig and Cal paid us a visit last Friday.

They really liked our Lego buildings.
 Lego fire station

 Lego hospital

One of our new neighbors is Craig. 
He does the business part of running the discovery center. 
He wears a suit to work.

Our other new neighbor is Cal.  He is a Lego engineer. 
Cal actually graduated from Grapevine High School. 
He went to the University of Texas at Austin and received a degree in engineering.
He had an interesting job interview with Lego. 
Two hundred people were invited for the interview. 
Each was given a bag of Legos. 
They had 30 minutes to create a Lego structure. 
The winner got the job. 
Cal won! 

Now, he plays with Legos all day.
He made all the displays in Legoland.
Cal wears a sweatshirt to work.

Who will be the next Lego engineer?

It could be any of these kids!!

Since Legoland Discovery Center is such a good neighbor
Craig and Cal invited us to pay them a visit. 
On March 24, our class (just our class) will be attending
the media open house at Legoland Discovery Center. 

 People from the local television stations and newpapers
 will be there taking pictures. 
Of course, I will be going because I am the class grandparent and 
 my job is to attend important events and to take pictures.

The next project for Legoland in Grapevine will be a two-story,
45,000 square-foot aquarium that will house more than
5,000 marine animals. 
It is made from Legos.

Lego engineer....that would be a fun job!!! 

Mayor Tate, keep up the good work.  We really like our new neighbors!

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