June 29, 2011

Check it out!!

Check out this blog.  It is written by one of our winners, Conolley August.  It shows pictures of her library pocket ideas.


I use library pockets for two main purposes in my classroom. First, I use them as a place for the students to store their library cards and library bookmarks for safe keeping. These are the pictures of the pocket posters on the classroom door. Our door is an easy and convenient place for the students to grab their materials as they enter and exit the classroom. I've attached pictures of my library charts from the past two years. The second use for library pockets in my classroom is for the students to make their lunch choices. Each child has his or her own pocket and each morning they place an index card labeled with "hot," "cold," "other," or "milk." The students simply place their choice by placing the word facing to the front making for a quick and easy lunch count.

This is my adaptation. 
I used craft sticks instead of index cards.
We had different food choices.
I used Dots of Turquoise pockets.

I can't wait to see her new Poppin' Pattern creations!
Pick a pack of Poppin' Pattern Pockets. 
How is that for a tongue twister!

She promised to send us pictures of the new look. 

Thanks, Conolley.

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