June 4, 2011

End of the Year Beach Party

A Beach Party is a perfect way to end the year. 
No Beach?.....No Problem!

All you need is a parking lot and a bunch of kids.
Set up beach towels on the sidewalk.
Don't forget the sunscreen!

You need a plastic wading pool with plenty of water.

Add a few buckets and squirt bottles.

Be sure to explain all the rules!
(Not one child was injured in the making of these pictures!)

The name of the game is
Get Wet!

Everyone lines up behind the cones which are
 several yards away from the water source.

The first person in line races to the water

and fills her or his bucket....

there are no extra points for style.

Then she or he runs back to the cones

and pours the water on the head
of the next person in line.

Soon everyone is thoroughly soaked.

The person who poured the water
goes to the end of the line
and the soaked person races to the water. 
He can take his revenge on the next person in line.

The games goes on until everyone
is laughing and giggling! 

Just like at a real beach,
everyone is tired by the end of the day
and a warm towel feels really good.

If you would like to see all the pictures
of our day at the beach, click on the Smilebox below.

There are so many smiles on the faces of the kids.
It is guaranteed to put a smile on your face, too.
Don't forget to crank up the volume for the full affect.

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