September 14, 2011

Tell me your story and win some books!!!!

This Is My Story
by Jill
This is my story, all about me.
It is about my friends and my family.
This my story.
It is true.
It is about what I like.
It is about what I do.
You can read my story,
I hope that you do.
You can write a story all about YOU!
My Story
My name is Jill.  I am 7.  I have a brother and a sister
and a mom and a dad.  My funny yellow dog likes to
swim in my pool.  My friends are Annie and Will.
We like to play soccer and eat pizza.

Resource Guide:
Have children brainstorm contents for a bag that Jill, the main character in  This Is My Story, might have filled.

For homework, give each child a brown grocery bag and a parent letter explaining the assignment.

Ask children to fill their bag with objects that describe just who they are.

Model this activity first by bringing in your own bag, describing its contents, and writing a personal narrative that mentions your props.

Then ask children to write about themselves, referring to the objects in their bags.

When the writing is complete, have children share their items and read their stories.

This is my bag.
(Notice that I over-did
the decoration a little).

This is my stuff!

This is my letter:

My name is Tommie and this is my story.

These are some of the people that are very important to me. 
 Lenny and I have been married for 45 years. 
We have two children and a daughter-in-law.
We count her as one of our children so that makes 3. 
Trevor and Kate are our grandchildren. 
They call me "G" which stands for grandma.

Lenny and I love to travel. 
 One time we went to Holland and I tried on some
VERY large wooden shoes.

I loved the tulips
and the windmills.

NOOK Color screen
I love to read just about anything.
For my birthday I got a Color Nook. 
Now, I can read in the dark.  What fun!


I collect Teddy Bears. 
I have about a dozen. 
I made this one myself from
an old quilt that my grandmother
 made for me. 
This bear's name is Belle. 

The poem says...
I wish I was a
Teddy Bear.
Everybody loves them.
Nobody cares how fat you get.
And the older you get,
the more you are worth.

Maybe that is why I like Teddy Bears.

That's my story.  What is yours?

I would really love to hear your stories and see you classroom and kids.
Send me a note and/or picture to
I will choose 10 to receive prizes. 
The prize this time is one each of the three books
mentioned in the latest posts.
I Am Special
Special Memories
This Is My Story

Be sure to send you name, email address, and home address
when you send your stories.
(Your story can be short. 
You know I have a tendency to go on and on and on.)
 Be sure to send them to my email
 not as a comment on the blog.

I can't wait to read your stories.

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