May 10, 2012

Going on a Field Trip

You can tell you have been around teaching too long 
when the month of May brings thoughts of Field Trips!

Yesterday was a beautiful day.
A friend called and asked if I wanted to go to
the Dallas Arboretum to see the
Chihuly Exhibit.

I didn't know what that was but 
it sounded like a field trip to me.

So five of us took off in her SUV.

I knew we were in the right place when 
I saw a few dozen school buses and 
about a thousand kids in 
different colored matching shits.

I recognize a field trip when I see one!

Dale Chihuly is an artist in glass blowing. 
 At the Arboretum he incorporated his art 
with the beautiful gardens of blooming plants. 
It was like a whimsical fairy tale garden. 
Read about his life and work at the CBS link below. 
 His eye patch adds to the fairy tale.

The picture below is one I took yesterday.  
That is White Rock Lake in the background
and Chihuly glass floating in the boats. 

Remember...this is all glass!

To see all of my Chihuly field trip play the Smilebox below.
The glass creations are unbelievable. 
Be sure to turn on the sound. 

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This field trip was so much fun.
Maybe I will plan another one next week. 

School will be out soon.
Are you counting the days yet??

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