June 15, 2012

Bumble Bee Math

Here is a quick math game 
using a small magnet board and CTP designer cut-outs.

Make two small books...
one addition and one subtraction.
Use your imagination to make story problems 
about the coming and going of insects.

Attach a leaf cut from construction paper
to the magnet board using double stick tape.

Put a magnet on the back of several 1" insect cut-outs.
(CTP 7035)

Add a 10" cut-out bee for a little interest.
(CTP 0958)

In the learning center the kids 
move to insects to "work" the problem.

The green addition problem says:
12 bugs were resting on a leaf,
6 more bugs came to rest.
How many bugs are on the leaf now?

Did  you move the right number of insects?

Can you write the number sentence?
12 + 6 = 18

Use magnet boards, magnets, and cut-outs 
to make all kinds of learning centers.

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