July 30, 2012

Science Fair is #1

About two years ago Creative Teaching Press asked me to start a blog to post some of my ideas. 
That was way out of my comfort zone, but I agreed.

I was given these suggestions:
 Keep it short and sweet.
 Use pictures. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words!
Post often and be personable. Try to create some followers.

I have had a little trouble keeping it short.
I have posted hundred of pictures
and I have managed to create a few followers.

After a month or two I learned how to go inside the blog and check on web visits and other interesting stuff.

Last week I went over 200,000 web visits...that's not bad since I expected an all time high of 13!

I also learned how to track the countries besides the US that were checking in:
and Puerto Rico
(I actually got to meet some of these gals at a recent conference.
It was like connecting with old friends.)

The Internet is amazing.
The world is so much smaller.

There is also a way to check the most visited blogs.

The #1 blog for all time is Science Fair
which was first posted on January 31, 2011.
It has had over 10,000 single hits.
That is twice as many as the #2 post.
People must need a little help with Science Fairs.

Scroll back through the old post and let me know if you have a favorite.

Many of the pictures are pinned on Pinterest.
This is the most re-pinned of my pictures.

Shepherd's Hooks makes a great ornament holder!

Who would have imagined!
It's a bell on a hook!

Next time I will let you know the #2 most visited post.

Thanks for tuning in.
It has been a fun ride.

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