October 15, 2010

Happy Fall, Y'all !

After posting Shine on Harvest Moon I received the following comment from Bree in Indiana.

Fall is my favorite season and its arrival was perfect with September's Harvest Moon.  As our temperatures begin to drop and the leaves begin to  turn, it finally feels like fall here in Indiana.  I look forward to seeing more colors, having campfires, and sipping warm cider with friends.

Doesn't that sound delightful?  It did to me. So, I set off with Lenny and two friends, Nina and Bob, to find FALL.  What do you know! We found it in Quebec! It was everything Bree described and more!

Red and yellow,
gold and brown,

Autumn leaves are falling down.

This quaint little park was home to a very large witch.

Nina and Lenny beside a VERY LARGE WITCH!

It was laundry day.

Notice the big wash tub and her socks and underwear.

Pumpkins, cabbage, and squash decorated every corner.

I loved the little pumpkins on sticks in this garden.  

Little cafes made crepes while you watched.

Care for a BOWL of coffee?

This is graffiti Quebec style.  The scene was painted on the side of a building.   The people at the bottom are real.  It is hard to tell where one stops and the other begins.

Oops!  Pardon us.

There were musicians along each street
and art displayed outside each store.

Delightful little shops...

all windows and doors were open inviting you in.

Hotel Fontenac was our home away from home.  It felt like being a queen living in a castle long ago.

 As we toured the city I collected red maple leaves, the  symbol of Canada.  I was selective in the leaves I collected. No yellow or gold leaves for me. I pressed them in a book each night.  By the time I got home my book was full of red maple leaves.
Yesterday, I made "leaf people" from the leaves to remember by trip to Quebec.  Without a doubt we found FALL!

Now that we are back home the days have turned cooler and the weather is beautiful.  Who knows maybe we will have a little bit of fall in Texas.  Here the leaves don't turn the beautiful colors.  They just FALL.  We will have plenty of brown leaves to rake.
Happy Fall, Y'all!

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