October 23, 2010

Making Memories Month by Month

A scrapbook full of art projects that a child makes during the school year is a perfect end of the year gift. Add a child’s writing samples, math activities, photographs, and projects, and that same memory book becomes a colorful portfolio of the child’s work.

Making Memories Month by Month (CTP 2399) will help you create a memorable keepsake that will be cherished by parents for years to come.

When I was working in our retail store we made a sample scrapbook. We placed a simple display of the sample and the Making Memories book on a counter. Every day we had to replace the Making Memories books. The books seemed to just disappear. The sample book was all a teacher needed to see.  The book was sold!

If you go back in my blog to November 17, 2009, you can see all the pages of the sample book.

I have taken the sample book and Making Memories to every show that I have done for CTP for the last four years. A few weeks ago I started putting things together for NAEYC which will be in Anaheim, CA, in November. I cannot find my sample book anywhere. I have literally looked all the way from Texas to California with no luck.

Finally, last Monday I decided I might as well start making a new one. Since Kate is in Kindergarten she is helping me with the projects. Here are some of the pages that we have finished.

To make the book you first bind together about 12 to 15 pages of 11" X 17" card stock to make a book.  Ring-Its are great for binding because they can be easily removed to add more pages.  The cover of the book has Kate's picture
 and the title My Year In Kindergarten.

At the top left side of each double page, place the name of the month.  Then arrange things that you have collected for the month.  The books has suggestions of poems, story frames, craft ideas, picture frames, but you can also add your own ideas.

Remember, for little ones, drawing pictures is a form of writing.
Poems and songs are included in the book.  Encourage the children to memorize the poems or sing the songs.

A digital camera is your best friend. 
Add pictures of activities from the month.

All of the art projects in the book are fun.  There is at least one hand print or foot print project for each month. 
The spider in the web is a thumb print. 
The pumpkin is a collage of orange, red, and yellow tissue paper.

Each month is a double page spread. 

Hand-print turkey.

We give thanks.  Check out our turkey.

The corn is a math activity.  You add real corn to the corn cob and count the number of kernels.  The other corn cob is a collage of fall-colored construction paper. 

I used different styles of the mini cut-outs to liven up the pages.

Making Memories Month by Month  is one of my favorite books.
At one time they tried to discontinue it, but I cried until they made it available again. It also comes as an e-book so you can order it, and use it immediately. Check it out at www.creativeteaching.com .

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