April 11, 2011

Celebrate Earth Day !

 Picnic for the Planet
 Join the celebration!  

This Earth Day, celebrate the planet we live on with good food and great people. Choose a favorite outdoor location, round up some friends and take the planet out to lunch! This idea combines two of my favorite things....
being outside in the springtime and eating with good friends!

Picnic for the Planet is a celebration of the planet we live on,
the food it provides and the people we share it with.
In short, the planet does a lot for us — we should take it out for lunch.

On and around Earth Day 2011 (April 22), people all around the world will be stepping outside and heading to their favorite outdoor spot to enjoy good food in the company of great people.

                                For more information about Picnic for the Planet go to:


To check out all the CTP products for Earth Day go to:

Click on "Go Green" to see them all.
The charts are great teaching props with great pictures and information.
Don't forget to turn them over. 
 They also have instructions for hands-on activities on the backside.

Here are some projects suggested on the back-side of ABCs of Green poster.
See the patterns for each of the following projects!

Remember to turn on the lights when you leave the room.

Design an Earth Day stamp.

Create an Earth Day quilt. 
 Each person designs a quilt square.
Connect the squares with "ring-its" to make the quilt.
Our 4" Spirit letters are a perfect fit to send a message on the quilt.

The ABCs of Green chart has lots of suggestions
for taking care of our planet.


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