April 18, 2011


I love spring when the earth seems to be waking up from a long sleep.
Every morning I walk through my garden to see what is new!

The following is from one of my favorite books.  It reminds me that every day is a good day to sing and do a little dance.  Springtime is an especially good time for singing and dancing.


In the beginning, it was nine o’clock; so God had to go to work. He filled out a requisition to separate light from darkness. He considered making stars to beautify the night, and planets to fill the skies, but thought it sounded like too much work; and besides, thought God, “That’s not my job.” So he decided to knock off early and call it a day. And he looked at what he had done and he said, “It’ll have to do.”

On the second day God separated the waters from the dry land. And he made all the dry land flat, plain, and functional, so that –BEHOLD- the whole earth looked like Idaho. He thought about making mountains and valleys and glaciers and jungles and forest, but he decided it wouldn’t be worth the effort. And God looked at what he had done that day and said, “It’ll have to do.”

And God made a pigeon to fly in the air, and carp to swim in the waters, and a cat to creep upon dry ground. And God thought about making millions of other species of all sizes and shapes and colors, but he couldn’t drum up any enthusiasm for any other animals-in fact, he wasn’t too crazy about the cat. Besides, it was almost time for the Late Show. So God looked at all he had done, and God said, “It’ll have to do.”

And at the end of the week, God was seriously burned out. So he breathed a big sigh of relief and said, “Thank Me, it’s Friday!”

Thankfully, that is not how it was.

On the first day, “God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.
And God saw that the light was good.”
That was the first zip a dee doo dah day.

And God did a little dance.
And the next day God said to the light, “Do it again.”
And the light did it again, and God did a zip a dee doo dah dance again.
And so it has gone every day down to this very day.

The lesson is…when we are satisfied with “It’ll have to do", we miss out on the zip a dee doo dah days.

Click on the link below for a treat.  You can sing along if you feel like it!


Make today a zip-a-dee-doo-dah day!
Remember life is what you make it!

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