If you are not familiar with Pinterest it is a virtual bulletin board where people can pin anything....
pictures, recipes, quotes, ideas.
I love this one! Can't you just imagine curling up with a good book in a little bit of heaven like this.
I can spend hours looking at the pictures which cover everything from the sublime to the rediculous.
Here are a couple of pins that I ran across last week that are great ideas for the beginning of school.
It says....
With love and helping hands
a child can accomplish anything.
I like this idea of writing down the things you want to discuss with your kids on the
first day of school (and the second and the third).
If you are teacher getting ready for school,
I am sure that you have lists upon lists.
All you need is one more.
But, I like this....PROCEDURES.
We all need to know the procedures and the rules!
In the book Sanity Savers Sharon MacDonald writes...
Children want to please the important adults in their lives.
When they don’t, it is mostly because they don’t know how.
At the beginning of the school year, many teachers take time to create class rules with the help of the children.
This is a good time to read the book,
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
The short book explains to students that we all carry an invisible bucket
in which we keep our feelings about ourselves.
When our buckets are full, we are happy; when they are empty, we are sad.
- Children learn that when they fill a friend's bucket, they also fill their own bucket because it feels good to make others happy.
- Kids can also be a bucket dipper. A bucket dipper is a person who hurts other people's feelings, essentially dipping into their invisible bucket.
- Your class rules can be based on what fills a friend's bucket and what would dip his bucket. Kindness can be stressed. Bullying can be discussed.
A child can write an encouraging note and put it in the pocket of another child.
The library pockets represent the buckets of the children.
Since her room is decorated with brown, orange, and lime green
the Dots on Chocolate library pockets, letters, and border by CTP are perfect.
Have you filled someone's bucket today?

Saffron Chicken
Ooooo....I just found this on Pinterest.
Now, if someone would just cook this for me for dinner
that would really fill my bucket!