June 26, 2012

Happy 40th Birthday to Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - B

I actually met Eric Carle about 15 years ago.

He looked like a fun Grandpa then and he still does.

I have a picture of the two of us in my 

autographed copy of A Very Hungry Caterpillar.

His board books were the first books 

that I bought for my grandchildren.

Board books are great!

They are small enough to fit in small hands 

and they cannot be destroyed.

I love all of Eric Carle's books.

There is always a surprise inside!

Here's a great video featuring Eric Carle, author and 

illustrator, talking about his classic book, 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

June 23, 2012

Bulletin Boards

Years ago when I was working in the store,
Joe, a really cute college kid was working for us.
The teachers loved for him to help them because as I said...
he was really cute. 

One day he stopped to tell me...
"Those two ladies have spent the last 30 minutes discussing the
 color of paper to put on their bulletin boards!
Does it really matter??"

Oh, Joe...So cute and so much to learn.
(He is 40 years old now and has learned a thing or two!
FYI... He is still cute!)

The background paper can make or break the look of a bulletin board.
The colors that you choose set the mood for the classroom.

I love Pacon Paper products.  
The colors are vibrant and best of all it is fadeless.

If you have ever tried to put paper on a blank wall you know how important fadeless is.
It is almost impossible to get it the paper straight,
so you don't want to have to do it very often.

I think that is why borders were invented.

Check for the display like this at your local teacher store.

Here are some of my pictures using the Pacon Products.

K-2 Science Lab

Bulletin Boards can be on the floor.
This is a "walk-on" number line

 I love red with the DOT Designer products.

 Add buttons and bows to spice it up even more.

 Pink with Dots on Chocolate looks great.

Check out all the robot products.
I also did this on a purple background.
It looked great.

Get in the Swim of It!

Of course, all products displayed on the bulletin boards 
are available at

Also, check out the glossy paper. It looks great with the Designer B/W products.

Premium Glossy Fadeless® Paper in six popular brilliant colors that are the perfect background for coated accents and decorations. This heavyweight paper is fade-resistant and acid free. Recyclable

The great thing about the
Black and White collection 
is that it goes with any color.

Pick your favorite!

June 15, 2012

Bumble Bee Math

Here is a quick math game 
using a small magnet board and CTP designer cut-outs.

Make two small books...
one addition and one subtraction.
Use your imagination to make story problems 
about the coming and going of insects.

Attach a leaf cut from construction paper
to the magnet board using double stick tape.

Put a magnet on the back of several 1" insect cut-outs.
(CTP 7035)

Add a 10" cut-out bee for a little interest.
(CTP 0958)

In the learning center the kids 
move to insects to "work" the problem.

The green addition problem says:
12 bugs were resting on a leaf,
6 more bugs came to rest.
How many bugs are on the leaf now?

Did  you move the right number of insects?

Can you write the number sentence?
12 + 6 = 18

Use magnet boards, magnets, and cut-outs 
to make all kinds of learning centers.

June 8, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day Gift :)

I saw this on Pinterest.
It would make a great 
Father's Day card.

Use the CTP hand cut-outs.
Close this window
You will be finished in less time
than it takes to say....
Happy Father's Day!

June 1, 2012

End of the Year Party

It is a tradition at our school 
for the last unit in first grade to be Fairy Tales.
The last day the kids dress-up 
like their favorite Fairy Tale characters.

First, they need to learn a little about fairy tales.
The CTP mini bulletin board,Story Elements, 
is a perfect way to do just that.

The kit contains pictures to sequence
The Three Little Pigs.
Being able to re-tell a story 
is an important skill.
The pictures help to do that.
 Little Red Riding Hood is also included in the kit.

The kids can arrange the pictures 
to illustrate the beginning, the middle, and the end
of the stories.
You can also discuss the story elements including
the main characters, setting, the plot, and more.

This is Kate arranging the parts of her 
favorite story...Little Red Riding Hood.
Notice that she displayed the 
main characters and the setting. 
She could also tell you the plot, 
the problem, and the solution to the story.

At school the kids brainstormed 
some things that are included 
in fairy tales.

Then came Fairy Tale Day!

The entrance to their hall became a drawbridge 
to a castle.

The day began with
Once Upon a Time.....

The fairies led the way into the castle.

Can you guess Kate's favorite fairy tale character?

Every fairy tale needs a knight.

and a king!

 Peter Pan was there...

and Thumbelina!

Everyone enjoyed the day in 
 the Kingdom of Otterness.
(that is Mrs. Otterness' classroom)

Now that summer is officially here
I am sure that....
Everyone Lived Happily Ever After!

Ever, Ever After

click the link and enjoy!