I have a confession...
I am addicted to Dancing with the Stars.
I have been ever since Emmitt Smith was on the show.
I loved watching him dance.
I don't like Bruno though.
I have to mute that part!
How do you justify spending three hours each week
watching such a non-socially redeeming show?
My answer is to make an Alphabet Book
while watching the dancing.
I chose to work with the new
Alphabet Mini Bulletin Board.
I looked at the pictures on the pieces
and wrote the text on my computer.
I printed the text while Bruno was muted!
I chose a very original title for my book.
I cut it out and mounted it on a piece of blue paper.
I made the book from the Poppin' Pattern 10" cut outs
connected with ring-its.
You need 27 pages for the alphabet and the title page.
Then I put the title on the first page of the book.
I used the letters from the kit and
the pages I printed from the computer
to make the book.
So, A is for alligator.
I used the star 1" cut outs to accent the pages.
I could have done D is for Donald!
I could have done K is for Katherine!
I could have done W is for William!
I know it should be /wh/wh/wh/, but in Texas
whale, wagon, and William all start with the same sound.
Perhaps they should have put William on that
piece of the bulletin board.
He is much better looking than that whale
and he is really a /w/w/w/.
It is to see Gladys Knight keeping up with the kids. I have always been her fan. I really like Midnight Train to Georgia. She isn't too bad for an "old gal"! Guess where I will be tonight and tomorrow night. I have another project in mind for this week. I certainly don't want to waste 3 hours. |
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